Welcome to our website.We are thankful to you for showing interest in our products.
HST is vertically integrated textile unit in pakistan. The most modern machinery & professionals equipped with latest techniques are ready to serve the needs of our clients in the most efficient manner. Satisfaction of our clients is our top priority. We are constantly striving to develop new and better products so that our clients have a competitive edge.
Our client support services and product quality are a result of this strategy. We are deeply commited to the development and implement-
ation of the quality management system. And continuous improvement of its effectiveness ensures that customer's requirement as well as statutory and regulatory requirement if any for the product are determined and communicated to the relevant function. We also conduct management reviews periodically for the improvement of QMS. The requirement of buyers are determined by the marketing department which have continuous interaction with the customers. Customer's satisfaction survey is also periodically carried out and its results are communicated appropriately within the organization.